34 609 411 813
Le Grand Café Centro

Le Grand Café Centro

It is a unique space that will surprise you in the heart of Malaga, combines food with leisure. Non-stop kitchen and includes a variety of themed activities depending on the day. More Info.: https://legrandcafe.es/   Num. Reservations...
Meson Astorga

Meson Astorga

Traditional Mesón Malagueño, with a simple air and decoration, serving seasonal recipes. More info: http://mesonastorga.com/ Num. Res: 50 p.
El Vegetariano de la Alcazabilla

El Vegetariano de la Alcazabilla

Ovo lacto vegetarian restaurant, with vegan and gluten-free dishes. They are characterized by the homemade, handmade and natural character of their products. More Info: https://elvegetarianodelaalcazabilla.com/ Num. Res: 8 p
Miss Sushi

Miss Sushi

Japanese food chain that combines quality, cozy atmosphere and price. More info: https://misssushi.es/en/restaurantes-en/miss-sushi-malaga/ Num. Res: 20 p.
Los Patios de Beatas

Los Patios de Beatas

Singular and unique space in Malaga where you can taste wines and dishes from the most diverse gastronomic corners, with a dynamic format in which everything is integrated, customer-wine and creative dishes. More Info: https://lospatiosdebeatas.com Num. Res: 20 p....